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To help you along the way on your special brush lettering journey; Enjoy these freebies related to certain blog posts. Any future free printables will be sent to your email directly now that you’ve subscribed.And if you have any questions at all or comments, let me know. Talk to you soon!
The Freebies
Free printable of faux calligraphy alphabet, related to this post; A beginner’s guide to faux calligraphy. This is great to help you identify where the downstrokes are on each letter.
FREE PRINTABLE HERE Faux Calligraphy Alphabet
Embellish your lettering with laurels an wreaths. The easiest way to create wreath is to draw a laurel in a repeated pattern in a circle. Learn how in this post; How to draw Laurels and Wreaths
FREEBIE HERE 10 Hand drawn Laurel